Brainspotting Therapy

What is Brainspotting Therapy?

Brainspotting therapy was founded in 2003 by David Grand, Ph. D., and continues to evolve to this day. Brainspotting is similar to EMDR therapy in that Brainspotting also taps into the brain's natural ability to process and heal experiences. However, Brainspotting therapy is conducted differently than EMDR therapy.

Brainspotting is based on the premise, “where you look affects how you feel.” This means that the connections between your eyes and brain allow you to access and process deep emotional experiences and trauma through specific eye positions, also known as brainspots.

What Exactly is a Brainspot?

A brainspot is a specific place you look at that is associated with emotional and physical activation. We all have certain directions our eyes will look toward that are believed to be linked to your neural networks associated with unresolved emotional experiences and trauma.

In Brainspotting therapy, you are guided to notice these brainspots, so you can access and process the underlying emotions and memories that may be causing you distress.

What Happens in a Brainspotting Therapy Session?

When our brainspotting session begins, we first identify the specific issue you would like to work on. Once the issue is decided upon, I will ask you what your activation level is with respect to the issue using a 0-10 scale. Based on this information, we’ll figure out whether to use an activation or resource brainspot for your processing. Either type of brainspot can be effective in your processing.

Activation brainspots are chosen by noticing your feelings and body sensations of activation connected to issue. Resource spots are identified as you notice calm or neutral sensations, instead of your feelings of activation. A resource brainspot acts as a buffer for feelings that are higher in intensity and we can apply multiple layers of resources, if needed.

Then What?

Once your brainspot is identified, you will gaze at it which prompts access to, and processing of, the emotions and memories associated with your chosen issue.

As you process, we work together with your brain's natural self-healing capability to help you to release emotional blockages, gain insights, and promote healing. As a result, your healing system will regulate and orient healthily to the present.

When this adaptation happens, the activation around the brainspotted issue eases and you both feel, and function, better.

With brainspotting, we can work on whatever you bring up in session whether an issue from the past, or something that is happening in the here and now.

How Can I Learn More?

Brainspotting is considered a gentle and effective therapeutic approach for various psychological and emotional challenges, including trauma, anxiety, depression, and stress.

You can find out more at, or contact me for a free consultation to see if brainspotting is right for you.