Therapy For Women Over 40

Online EMDR & Brainspotting Therapy For Women Over 40 Who Are Ready To Finally Feel “Good Enough”

New York l New Jersey I Florida

All the pieces seem to be in place.

On paper, you have what it takes to succeed. You’ve attained professional and personal accomplishments that, from the outside, people both admire and envy.

You look like you have it all together.

And on the outside, you do.

Now, you’re looking inward and do not understand that despite your achievements you still have to deal with imposter syndrome and feeling not good enough.

Maybe you’re now considering taking on a new challenge, such as dating after divorce. Or looking ahead to what you want for the future, you know, once the kids finally move out. Or, maybe you’re considering starting to work on your bucket list.

Changes and challenges are scary to you, even if you know what it is that you want, even if you’ve been successful. In fact, it’s probably the case the you’ve succeeded in spite of feelings of imposter syndrome or self-defeating thoughts.

Here’s what I mean:

Let’s look at the example of dating after divorce. Imagine you’re making your list of qualities you’d like in a future relationship partner, and it feels empowering to see your non-negotiables on the page.

Then come the self-defeating thoughts and self-judgment, followed by the “what ifs,” and now you feel intimidated. Does any of this sound familiar?

What if I’m asking for too much?

What if all I attract are scammers?

Is someone with the qualities on my list going to like me?

No one’s going to want to see me naked.

What if someone I know sees me on the apps?

Why even bother because…

Reason #1: All the good ones are taken.

Reason #2: They all want someone younger.

Reason #3: I might like this person, but my kids won’t.

Will this person accept me?

What if I end up alone?

But, this isn’t just about dating. And it’s not always these exact statements that pop up in your thoughts. However, if you can relate to statements like these or that feeling in your body when your psyche is being discouraging, then you get what I’m saying.

You may have even had a lifetime of battling these kind of thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings that try to get you to believe what you want is too risky, that you’re going failure, or you’re not good enough.

You don’t have to keep fighting this battle.

If you have goals and wants for your life, and you struggle with imposter syndrome, thoughts of self-judgment or self-defeating thoughts, perhaps it’s time to go deeper to get to the root of these limiting beliefs so you can finally pursue your goals with one less obstacle. If you are ready to get out of your own way to live the life you want to live, then I can help.

You may notice your feelings of “not being good enough” appear as your:

  • perfectionism - everything has to be “just right”

  • overachieving - It’s the weekend (or your day off), but if you get this one task done, you won’t have to deal with it on Monday. It’ll only take an hour, or so…

  • deprivation or scarcity mindset - “Next year, I swear, I’ll take time off”

  • procrastination - “Ohhh…A mammogram? I’ll get to it, it’s on the list”

  • multitasking to oblivion - “Yes, I DO have to have those 17 windows open on my computer”

And you can honestly say, at this point in your life,

you’ve had enough.

The anxiety, the inadequacy, the self-judgment,

you. are. over it.

You may have attended therapy before and probably learned more about yourself, your triggers, and skills to manage disempowering thoughts and anxious feelings, that’s great!

And now you are ready to go deeper.

Why now?

Because you realize that in order to overcome the negative messages of self-judgment, self-defeat and imposter syndrome that have been barriers to living the life you want to live, you need to go below the surface.

And you’re determined to get to the bottom of why these negative messages are still a part of your narrative…and rewrite them.

Getting unstuck becomes your priority.

Hello & Welcome!

How I Help